Image of Issa's haiku by people with disabilities
Image of Issa's haiku by people with disabilities
Image of Issa's haiku by people with disabilities
Image of Issa's haiku by people with disabilities
Image of Issa's haiku by people with disabilities
英語俳句の会 Haiku gathering
2020.1~ 芭蕉 Basho
英語俳句の会 Haiku gathering
2020.1~ 芭蕉 Basho
英語俳句の会 Haiku gathering
2020.1~ 芭蕉 Basho
Let's add haiku to the picture!
The paintings of the group "Canon" supporting people with disabilities. They draw great pictures, but they can't make haiku. So we added haiku to these pictures.
絵: 村井基紀 Motoki Murai
Kite kite
in the new year sky
beyond Mount Fuji
初空に たこたこ揚がれ 富士越えて
絵:服部可菜恵 Kanae Hattori
Searching for
a bird singing
plum forest at sunset
鳴く声を 探す日暮れの 梅林
絵:服部可菜恵 Kanae Hattori
wish my daughter happiness
Old play
peach blossom
子を思ふ 昔遊びや 桃の花
絵:渡辺信也 Shinya Watanabe
Cherry blossom
with Yasaka Tower
桜咲き 八坂の塔も 隠れんぼ
絵:真柄美沙 Misa Magara
Clouds flow
Swim in the sky
carp streamer
雲は流れ 大空泳ぐ 鯉のぼり
絵: 村井基紀 Motoki Muraia
After the rain
A winding mountain
Where are you going
雨上がり うず巻き山よ どこへ行く
絵: 辻村 健 Takeshi Tsujimura
■ Mineko Takahashi
for the star festival
what did you wish for
decorating a bamboo tree
七夕の 飾りに何を 祈る君
■ Hiroko Takahashi
Take a brush pen
for the wish
at Tanabata festival
七夕に 願いを込めて 筆をとり
■ Kyoko hashimoto
Write down
my unchanging feelings
at Tanabata festival
七夕に 変わらぬ想い 書きとめて
絵: 杉山 浩煥 Hiroshi Sugiyama
The Great Bonfire is aflame on the mountainside
the sky beyond in the land of Ohmi
must also be blazing
大文字や あふみの空も たゞならね 蕪村
絵: 長村 駿 Takeshi Nagamura/ 紅葉と鹿
A stag in the rain
only his antlers
not melted by love
雨の鹿 恋に朽ちぬは 角ばかり 蕪村
絵: 服部可奈惠 Kanae Hattori /フクロウ
Since it turns out
I'm all by myself
I make friends with the harvest moon
中なかに 一人あればぞ 月を友 蕪村
絵: 辻村 健 Takeshi Tsujimurai / 蛸
Falling star-
Octopus, octopus,
Swim into the deep sea
流れ星 蛸タコ泳げ 海深く
絵: 辻村 健 Takeshi Tsujimurai / 夕日
The coming year
Wish to be a year
Ring of the sun
来る年は 陽の輪の年に なるように