Image of Issa's haiku by people with disabilities
Image of Issa's haiku by people with disabilities
Image of Issa's haiku by people with disabilities
Image of Issa's haiku by people with disabilities
Image of Issa's haiku by people with disabilities
英語俳句の会 Haiku gathering
2020.1~ 芭蕉 Basho
英語俳句の会 Haiku gathering
2020.1~ 芭蕉 Basho
英語俳句の会 Haiku gathering
2020.1~ 芭蕉 Basho
英語俳句の会 Haiku gathering
2016.4~ 蕪村 Buson

2016.4.19 英語俳句の始まりの頃は月一回、留学生も交え、英語と日本語で自作の俳句を作っていました。
At the beginning of English haiku, we made our own haiku in English and Japanese once a month with international students.

2017.1.28 この頃、蕪村の賞を獲った翻訳本が出され、それを使い作品作りを楽しんでいました。
Around this time, Buson's award-winning translated book was published, and we enjoyed making works using it.

2018.9.4-9 日本の風で開催の蕪村の展示会、黒バックに皆の作品が映えました!
Everyone's work went well on the black background at the Buson exhibition held in Nihon-no-kaze (laughs)

Some people from New York. Our works have also accumulated.

2019.7.28 Zest御池で11月の展示会の前宣伝も兼ねて、夏休みの宿題「寺子屋ワークショップ」に参加。
Participated in the summer vacation homework "Terakoya Workshop" at Zest Oike, which also served as a pre-promotion for the November exhibition.

2019.9.29 留学生や彼らをお世話するKARFの人たちも一緒に展示会の作品作りです。
International students and KARF members who take care of them also made works for the exhibition.

文化の日 Wings京都で「英語俳句にトライ!」の展覧会開催
Holds an exhibition of "Try English Haiku!"
at Wings Kyoto on Culture Day.

展示会のエネルギーを世界にも開かれたこの EnjoyHaikuのサイトに繋がりました!!
The energy of the exhibition has been connected to the "Enjoy Haiku" website, which is open to the world !!

After the exhibition, I tried to make a folding screen with 6 boards without spending the material cost of scrap use.