Image of Issa's haiku by people with disabilities
Image of Issa's haiku by people with disabilities
Image of Issa's haiku by people with disabilities
Image of Issa's haiku by people with disabilities
障がいのある人たちによ る蕪村の俳句のイメージ作品
Image of Issa's haiku by people with disabilities
英語俳句の会 Haiku gathering
2020.1~ 芭蕉 Basho
英語俳句の会 Haiku gathering
2020.1~ 芭蕉 Basho
英語俳句の会 Haiku gathering
2020.1~ 芭蕉 Basho
Basho's English monument in Toyama

Namerikawa is located in the Hokuriku region of Oku-no-hosomichi. Here, Basho left the haiku of "Arisoumi=Toyama Bay",and there is a monument at the former Tokujoji Temple on the beach.

After that, along with the relocation of the temple, the Basho monument also moved. Tokujoji has a kindergarten that focuses on English, and there are foreign teachers. So, at the initiative of the priest, Hashimoto, he decided to put up an English monument along with the Japanese monument.

Tokujoji took this opportunity to connect with Haiku International Association. The news of the English monument has become a newspaper article.

The year before the monument was made, we went to Toyama on a trip to ask for the footsteps of Okunohosomichi, guided by Kyoko Hashimoto, one of the members of the English Haiku gathering. That was the trigger for the monument to be erected.